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Dual Citizenship Can Be Obtained Faster Than You Think

While it can be pricey to apply for dual citizenship, it can be done in a relatively short amount of time. You can go through a brokerage to facilitate the process and become a citizen of one of several countries. A brokerage that establishes this kind of residency is generally well-versed in the steps that are needed to secure a visa and passport, dual nationality, or a permanent residency. Typically, you are looking at a time frame of two to four months to gain full citizenship in a country.

An Interesting Way to Invest

In some cases, you don’t even have to reside in your new country to enjoy citizenship status. You don’t have to give up your nationality either. The residency or citizenship is established solely by your investment. Therefore, you can open a fixed savings account and deposit money into the account, invest in a piece of real estate, make a contribution to a country’s primary industries, or even combine the aforementioned activities. This type of opportunity doesn’t come along every day. Therefore, if you wish to make an investment and earn double citizenship at the same time, this is an interesting way to invest.

Making an Investment

You can obtain citizenship by investment in Dubai or such countries as the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Venezuela, Grenada, or St. Kitts and Nevis. You just need to see how much the citizenship will cost with your investment. One of the easiest countries to qualify for dual citizenship is Dominica. However, don’t confuse this country with the Dominican Republic. The price for citizenship is fairly affordable, especially if you are married and have two minor children in your family.

Another easy place in which to invest is St. Kitts and Nevis in the Caribbean. The country’s citizenship-by-investment programme makes it possible for you to buy citizenship for your dependents and yourself. Investing in real estate will help get you into the dual citizenship portal. If you can pay cash, even better. Becoming a citizen is easy if you can pay the price.

One country where you don’t have to invest is Ireland, especially if you are of Irish descent and had or have a grandfather who is an Irish national. Simply live in the country five years if you are not Irish or possibly less than that amount of time if you can prove you are Irish. In some cases, your dual nationality is instant if you prove you have an Irish grandparent. To become naturalized, residing in the country is a requirement.

However, as stated before, you don’t necessarily have to live in some countries if you obtain dual citizenship by investment. This type of contribution makes it possible for you to enjoy benefits, tax-wise or personally, that you would not experience otherwise. Connecting with a brokerage that specialises in this unique offering is the best way to see how you can proceed with the process.

Where would you like to live instead of the U.S. or where you currently reside? Where would you like to invest in the world? Save the money that you might pay for traveling to different international destinations and use it to invest in yourself and your family by contacting a dual-citizenship-by-investment brokerage for further details.

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