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Colossal Fortifications Of India: A Majestic Saga

India is a land known for its antiquated fortifications and monuments which portray its deep historic past. The forts of India are the nation’s most prized possessions, which present the magnanimity of the Royal Kingdoms of India. These structures that were created in the bygone eras, still stand testimonial to the trials of time Embellished with fine mosaic, frescoes, latticework, one can’t resist the opportunity to go gaga for these dazzling bits of architecture that India is so proud of. Let’s explore some of the most colossal fortifications ever built in the country.

From North to South, and West to East, our country is dotted with mammoth fortifications that once were safe houses of the regal families, and represented their might and wealth. Today, some still house the royal, while some are great tourist magnets. Let’s explore the most sought after forts in India, that are so big in area that it might take an entire day to tour around each one of them.

  1. Golconda Fort, Hyderabad

The renowned Golconda fortification located in Hyderabad was built by the Kakatiya kings. The legacy landmark is known for its rich history and amazing structure. Golconda was once eminent for the magnificent precious stones found on the south-east at Kollur Mine, close to Kollur lake. The great Golconda Fort is renowned for its military architecture and is one of the most colossal monuments in India. So once you land off one of those Mumbai to Hyderabad flights, we suggest you to start your tour of Hyderabad with the Golconda Fort.  

  1. Mehrangarh Fort, Rajasthan

Sitting majestically on cliff, Mehrangarh is a fifteenth century regal fort in Jodhpur. Truly signifying ‘The Sun Fort’, Mehrangarh is in reality a standout amongst the most famous enormous forts in India. Safe guarded by 7 gates, Mehrangarh fort was constructed essentially for the military guard, however, inside the fortification, one can discover probably the most lovely royal residences. The royal palaces have luxuriously enhanced walls and ceilings. It is assessed that 17 generation of Rajput rulers have ruled here and have included a few structures like sanctuaries, royal residences and patios, yet not even one structure looks out of place, since they have been so skillfully done, and blend tremendously well with the other structures.  

  1. Red Fort, Delhi

An UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Red Fort in Delhi, is the pinnacle of Mughal architecture, and consequently, stands-out in the nation. It is one of the most protected, and therefore, a mainstream fortification in India. Made totally out of red sandstone, the fort has been kept up in an astounding condition, and that is the reason the for still has not lost its red tinge. Built significantly using Islamic design sensibilities, the structures inside the fort additionally shows solid components obtained from the Hindu, Timurid and Persian architectural styles. The fort additionally went ahead to wind up a colossal image of idealized engineering to different structures planned in the neighboring states.  

  1. Chittorgarh Fort, Rajasthan

Chittaurgarh Fort is the biggest stronghold of India and the most amazing in the state of Rajasthan. It is located on the left bank of the Berach river and is also called the Water Fort, since it had 84 water bodies inside, out of which just around 22 exist today. This living declaration speaks volume of the courage of Maharana Pratap Singh and the considerable Rajput leaders of Rajasthan. A standout amongst the most important fortifications in Rajasthan, the fort hosts the greatest Rajput celebration called the “Jauhar Mela”.

If you have toured one or all of these, you are lucky, and if you haven’t, better visit now. These forts are not just amazing to read about, but are hundred times magnificent and glorious to look at in reality.

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