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Change The Surrounding Ambience With Your Pranks

Pranks play a different role in one’s life. It has power to rejoin the relationships, you can easily bring smile on your beloved’s face, but it should be a good prank or it can ruin your relations also. Good pranks have the power to let you enjoy the moments. Good pranks are the tried and have already been tested on family and friends. These pranks are always enjoyed and bring laughter around the world. These good pranks leave the world with smiling faces especially the practitioner.

While playing pranks remember that you should not harm anyone be it human being, animal or any non- living thing. And you should always be ready to pay the losses incurred due to damage. A prank could be made good with the ability of sound judgment and humorous nature. It is actually very important that you must have the ability to perform it correctly or it can spoil the environment.

List of Good Pranks 

Just put some chili powder or shaving cream on your brother’s or friend’s finger while he is sleeping and tickling his nose. You will have a good time but do not put so much or it will harm his nose. Put some toothpaste in the tube of shaving cream, when your friend will use it he will have a minty shave. This can be a good prank with your friend. You can change your mobile message to a prank. Just say “Hello (then wait for a second) again say hello with a pause. Then say made you fool”. It will leave your friend fighting with noise problem. So, you can use it as a good phone prank. You can do a prank to make everyone laugh loudly. For this you need a string, a plastic snake and a door that gets open and clan be closed easily with that string? Tie the snake with the string and then tie it with the door. Try this prank when everyone is watching television. That silence will be turned into a laughter when the door opener will scream out with the jump of snake. This prank will keep everyone smiling.

Change the default mouse pointer to the hourglass. It will take some time but when your friend will come and use it, he will find his computer busy. Long working time will irritate him. Put some transparent sticky tap on the receiver. The person will keep on shouting. For longer result you can just remove it for a while and then put it again. This will make the situation noisy. You can give shower to someone for this you have to put a sticky tape on the tap’s mouth but leave some space in front through that water will come out. As the tap will be opened water will run out with pressure that will give a shower bath. Take a car sponge cake of round shape, put some icing on it and decorate it with some cherries and other things. Let the target to cut a piece of it but do not laugh out in between. Let him struggle with it for a while.

When you are coming with your friend and you have to reach upstairs. Leave your friend in the parking and put a sign of “out of service” on the lift. By the lift you reach upstairs and let your friend come by stairs.

These are some of the good pranks that you can do with your friends and mates. Just take some precautions and you can make the environment funny.

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