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4 Quick Ideas To Increase Productivity In Your Office

Generating more productivity in the office is something that all managers seek to achieve. But how can you go about it? You can try to implement a number of ideas to boost productivity in your office, and here are four quick ideas that could really help to make a difference for your organisation.make sure your employees are as happy

Invest in Ergonomic Furniture

One of the simplest things that you can do to boost productivity in your office is to invest in some high-quality ergonomic furniture.

Too many employees are forced to sit on uncomfortable chairs and crouch over unsuitable desks all day long, and this can have a damaging effect upon their productivity. Not only can it make them miserable and uncomfortable, but it could even lead to physical injuries.

For example, repetitive strain injury and back injuries can be caused by bad typing techniques and bad posture respectively, and if your employees cannot work then productivity is really going to suffer.

Create a More Pleasant Environment

As well as creating a more comfortable working environment for your staff through investing in ergonomic furniture, you can also use other techniques to make the office environment a more enjoyable place to work.

If your employees are hidden away with no source of natural light, this can affect their productivity levels, so try to make sure that you have as much natural light as possible getting into the office.

Buying an air conditioner or a powerful heater can help to make sure your employees are cool enough or warm enough in the summer or winter, and you could even add a few natural plants to the office to create a more natural and inspirational environment.

Stand During Meetings

If you regularly hold unsuccessful meetings where everyone looks like they would rather be anywhere but sitting around the table, consider changing things up a bit by asking everyone to stand up. Hold your meetings outside the building or in a room with no chairs, and you may find that this shakes things up a bit and gets more involvement from the participants.

Redesign the Office

Everyone has seen Google’s inspirational headquarters, and although you don’t need to go to such extremes when you redesign your office, you can certainly take some tips from the experts. Add some inspirational artwork, paint the walls in a natural and refreshing colour, invest in some comfortable sofas and chairs, and even consider buying a game such as table football that people can use to relax and recharge their batteries.

Make Sure Your Employees Are Happy

The most important thing that you can do is make sure your employees are as happy as possible. You can do this through holding regular team-building and social events, and you could also make more effort do discuss their needs on a one-to-one basis. They may have simple requirements such as working flexible hours, which you could then help to arrange.

If your employees are happy, they will be more productive. You may also be able to enjoy a lower turnover, saving more of your time that you might otherwise have to spend on recruitment.

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